Let's introduce you to the furry children in our little family.

I adopted Tasha from a rescue agency in 2004. The rescue group thinks she was about 2 or 3 years old when they picked her up. She was also pregnant. I had original gone to adopt a kitten and looked at her last available baby, but I just fell in love with her coloring (the kitten was only grey & white). She is the sweetest girl who loves to sleep with me and the hubby. Most of the time she sleeps on me, she is even laying on me now as I type this. We don't know exactly what breed she is but I have a good feeling that she is part if not all Ragdoll. Just look at how floppy she is. One her nicknames is Tasha Bunnyfeet. I swear she has the longest back feet I've ever seen.

Brady came from my Hubby's house when we moved in together. My mother-in-law still has his twin sister Lexi. Though she smaller and rounder and is known as Lexi Bowling ball. Brady was named after Tom Brady. Yes we are big New England Patriots fans. Brady was very shy and a big scaredy cat when he lived at my MIL's. He was one of 4 cats and the other 3 beat up on him. Surprisingly even though Tasha beats on him he has become a much more outgoing kitty and shows a lot more personality.
So those two are the ones who live at home with me and Hubby. Next is my big baby.
This is Andres' Lady Rhiannon, or Rhia for short. She is half Friesian and half Paint. I got her when she was 7 months old and have done practically all the training myself. At our first horse show we won first place in our first class of the day I was so happy I cried a little. Yes I'm a big dork. I was just so excited that we won and I had done all the training myself. She is such a big sweetie. I ride her both western and English. Western is usually only for riding at the barn and when we go on trail rides. Rhia loves trail rides except for when Coco the doberman runs up behind her in the woods. English is for horse shows. I board her at a private farm about 10 minutes away from my current apartment. There are 4 other horses at the barn two mares - Boop and Chammy and 2 geldings - Max and Tuffy.
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