Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Friesians & Fried Kool-aid

Hello all,

So I know I've disappeared for a while. With Andrew losing his job and us pulling out of the house deal I've kind of shifted my focus to family and supporting my husband in this difficult time. We were able to get out of the contract on the house with most of our money. The only money we were unable to get back was the $395 that was paid for the appraisal done by our lender. Having Andrew home a lot more has been good in some ways. I think this is the most caught up on dirty dishes we have ever been. Every dish gets washed daily. It is fantastic! Andrew has also been listing items on craigslist and going through stuff to see what we can get rid of. He has also cleaned up a lot of other places that get overlooked during the day to day cleaning, like the top of the fridge or the nook where we store extra toilet paper, Kleenex and paper towels.

So this post is a little late but we had planned prior to Andrew losing his job for us to make the trip up to The Big E in Massachusetts. Well that trip was planned for the day after we received the bad news. We decided to go ahead with our plan since we had already paid for the tickets. For those of you who don't know what the Big E is, I'll fill you in. It is a whole lot of Awesome!! The Big E is a large fair that is for all of New England. There are rides, 4H competitions, tons of booths with home products for sale, a horse show, FOOD and of course the State Houses. There is one State House for each of the states in New England. Each building is full of items that come from that state.

Every year we try to go when the Friesian horses are at the horse show. My horse Rhia's daddy was a Friesian. I never got to meet him but I bet he was as beautiful as this one.

Rhia's tail can get this long if I keep it braided up when she is outside, but for some reason I have never been able to get her mane to grow any longer. I love watching the Friesians, Morgans and Saddlebreds. The horses that compete at the Big E are some of the nicest I've ever seen in person.

They also have two sets of Clydesdales. One the traditional Budweiser Clydesdales and the other set is the Halmore Clydesdales. I didn't get any pictures of the Budweiser horses but Andrew took some of the Halmores. Here they are getting hooked up for the daily Mardi Gras parade.

And now for a few pictures of the the parade floats.

Yes the people on the floats are throwing beads. No you don't have to flash them. Let's move on to the yummiest part of the Big E. The FOOD!! We have our usual stops. Corn on the cob in New Hampshire, baked potatoes in Maine, whoopie pies in Maine. Then there is this one food truck that sells yummy chicken pitas. This year we decided to try something new - fried pickles. They were so yummy. Andrew was skeptical but he like them too.

 Last year the new item we tried was fried kool-aid. It is like fried dough with cherry kool-aid mixed in. They are the best when they are fresh and still warm, Delicious!!!

We decided to get the fried kool-aid just be for we left for the night. A great way to end the night. I can't wait to go again next year.


  1. Fried pickles are my favorite food!! Good choice:)

  2. I've never heard of fried Kool-Aid, but I absolutely love fried pickles and fried Oreos!
