Friday, May 3, 2013

The Colors, Duke, The Colors!

Yes,the title of this blog post is taken from that Popsicle commercial from the 90's. The good news - unlike Duke, the dog from the commercial, I'm not colorblind and I'm hoping you aren't either. Otherwise, you are going to miss out on the beauty of the photos in this post.

I've recently taken an interest in photographing flora. The bright colors of the Spring flowers and budding trees are just so beautiful. I've found some great shots in several different locations. Riding my horse at the barn, walking around our neighborhood and a trip around my mother's yard. Below is a collection of the pictures I have taken this Spring. I hope you enjoy their colors as much as I do.

Pink Tulips out front of the church near our apartment.

Apple Blossoms in the front yard of the school.

Black Walnut tree behind out house.

Even a weed such as a Dandelion can be pretty up close.

Pine cones from the giant Pine that was right our front of our apartment until this past Tuesday.

A lovely carpet of purple Creeping Phlox.

These were in my Mother's backyard. I'm not sure what they are. Anybody know?

Lovely Red Tulips - found on my neighborhood walk.

Scarlet O'Hara - One of my favorite flowers. This is a bush in my Mother's yard.

Bright green baby leaves on the tree behind our apartment.

Nothing like bright green baby leaves.

Weeping Cherry Tree in my Mother's front yard.

White Daffodil in the neighbors yard.

I start to say one is my favorite and then I look at the next one and change my mind. Which one is your favorite?

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